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‘Supernatural’ recap: Sam and Dean meet a new kind of monster

Not all monsters are born. Some are made. Actually, a decent amount can be made if you think about it — vampires, werewolves, etc. But regardless, this week introduces Sam and Dean to a new creature, and this one is particularly… gross.

We start in Polk City, Iowa, where two teens named Thomas and Barbara are enjoying a little makeout session in the back of a car when Thomas’ father, who also happens to be the sheriff, interrupts. When Barbara heads to the truly disgusting bathroom — honestly, why didn’t she turn around when she saw it? — to give Thomas a moment with his father, she’s followed by… something. All we really know about this monster at this point is that it’s very tall, it has tree-like hands, and it whistles. So it’s a MUCH scarier Groot.

Long story short, the monster pulls Barbara out into the woods, which is where Thomas finds her body. Meanwhile, Thomas’ father gets a very brief glimpse of the monster in question, though he tells his son that a coyote killed his girlfriend.

Back at the bunker, Sam finds the case online, and when he realizes that 54 people have gone missing from this same park, he and Dean prepare to hit the road. But Dean requests that Jack not come along. (Cas is out because he needed some air after being stuck in the bunker for weeks.) Jack just got his powers back, and considering that Jack’s powers have gotten them in trouble in the past, Dean would rather be sure that Jack’s okay before putting him back in the field and having him accidentally kill a security guard again.

But Dean doesn’t tell Jack that. Instead, he tells him they need him at the bunker in case any hunters call and need help. And while he’s there, Dean gives him a shopping list for his “restocking” mission. They need beer, toilet paper, eggs, and more beer. (And I’m assuming bacon.) Jack smiles and says he’ll take care of it, at which point the boys head to Iowa.

After the sheriff is reluctant to give them much other than “it was a coyote,” Sam and Dean check out the victim’s body. It’s there that they realize there are burns around the bite mark. What can do that? That answer is something I’m certainly not going to spell right. I think it’s a cohunta? Regardless, it’s some Native American legend, a monster that roams the woods driven to consume mortal flesh. They’re hungry monsters, and as for those burns, they’re known to spit up stomach bile because why not? Like I said, Groot this is not.

When a second hiker dies, the sheriff bans anyone from entering the woods, including Sam and Dean. But of course the boys ignore that warning — and the title of this episode — and head right in later that night. However, they don’t find the monster. Instead, they find the sheriff, who has some ‘splainin to do.

After Dean steals his gun — doesn’t he know never to pull a gun on a Winchester? — the sheriff confesses that he knows what they’re looking for. Years ago, the Parker family were the first white settlers around here. They built a cabin in these woods. But during one particularly harsh winter, the eldest son of the family, Henry, went crazy and ate his family. Mad with hunger, Henry then went after the Native American people, at which point the sheriff’s tribe caught him and, instead of killing him, decided to curse him. They turned him into the monster, plaguing him to roam the woods forever, starving. They bound the monster to the forest and marked the trees to keep people safe, but as time passed, people forgot… including the sheriff.

(Next: Jack makes some new friends)

Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki star as the Winchester brothers, hellbent on battling the paranormal forces of evil.

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