Lindsay Lohan’s reality TV reinvention has repositioned the Mean Girls performer as the self-described “boss bitch” running a successful day club (and wrangling a cast of wild, hard-partying employees) on the shores of Mykonos, Greece — the same sandy locale atop which she endured a startling incident of domestic abuse in the summer of 2016. Now, as the Lindsay Lohan’s Beach Club producer-star rebuilds her image and liberates herself from past trauma, she opens up to EW about the first half of her new television venture, how she dealt with a pair of fist-fighting employees, what she thinks of her mother’s stint on Celebrity Big Brother, the day she agreed to allow her alleged abuser to re-enter her club, and where she might take the show for a potential season 2.
Lindsay Lohan’s Beach Club moves to its new time slot tonight at 10:00 p.m. ET on MTV. Read on for EW’s full season 1 recap with Lohan and check out the explosive new preview — which promises a new ambassador who serves Lohan some serious sass, complete with a Mean Girls-inspired dig — below.
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: What does it feel like now to have the show out in the world?
LINDSAY LOHAN: It’s very different!
Do you feel like people see the new side of you that you wanted them to see when you started this project or are they digesting it differently than you anticipated?
That’s a very good question because I can’t really tell people what I do on the show or who I am as a person. In Greece, I’m a different person because of the work dynamic. It comes across as a party to some, but for me it’s a business. My experience has been great, and I’ve always had fun there. A lot of people want to come there now. We’re actually opening a new [club] in Athens! I don’t know what people think of it in America, because here we’re kind of living in a bubble. It gets crazy, and the show’s very dramatic!
The side of you most people were expecting to see was the “boss bitch,” as you said in the trailer, side, but I’m glad you mentioned you’re having fun. There are so many moments in this show where it just seems like you’re having a genuinely good time — like the champagne shower — and you don’t care that people are watching.
Oh no! I completely failed! I’ve never done that before and I tried really hard. Clearly, I’m not going to do it again because I’m not good at it [Laughs].
So a champagne shower isn’t a typical perk of the club?
No! I would’ve felt really bad if I did because I’m not that person…. Panos is good at that kind of stuff. That’s so not my game.
Damn! But I still want one if I ever visit.
Maybe you can get one from Panos! But you’re always welcome to come here.
It’s freezing in New York right now, so getting away sounds amazing.
I think that’s why my mom was happy to go on Big Brother, because she’s in that house and not in the freezing cold in New York City. She’s doing really well.
She said you helped her prepare for that. Has it been difficult not being able to talk to her?
I did, literally! [Laughs] Yeah, it makes me sad. I miss her. I mean that. I really need her. It freaks me out because I’m so protective, so I want to make sure she’s always happy. I saw her [on TV] the other day and she was upset and I was like, I love you! She’s a good person and a strong woman, and she’s going to come out on top.
I love that this show shows a more maternal side of you, too. Of course, Jonitta hitting Gabi was a shock. But you didn’t react the way I thought you would: Instead of firing them, you talked with them. I know this whole venture on the beach was to build something beautiful on the same beach where you were abused. And in next week’s episode, you liken Jonitta’s temperament to your experiences with your father. Why do you think you feel comfortable opening up about those things on this show?
In Greece they legally would have been fired. And my instinct was, well, there are two options here, and is it smarter to tell these girls what I’ve experienced and how hard I’ve worked to not fight other women and not judge other girls or not fight over a guy, because [they] didn’t know what happened to me with a guy there. My experience in life is very different from other people. I’ve lived too many lives for my own good. There’s no reason that a woman should hit another woman, especially in the time that we live in and everything we deal with every day.
What am I going to do, though? Let them go and have them figure it out later and fight in another place? No. You have to become friends with each other…. I laugh about it because it’s a silly thing they’re fighting over, and what happened to me was a very scary thing. So for that to happen with people that I’m bringing into my life on a place that I worked really hard for when someone hurt me… you have to understand this person came to my club when I left the club the month after we finished filming the show. This person came back to my club and [my employees called and] said, “Do you want him to come into the club?” I said, “Yes, let him go and let him have fun. I’m not even there, it’s fine.” That’s the kind of person I am. I don’t want drama. I created enough drama by accident, on my own…. I’m a woman with my creations, my places, my spirit, and what I’m creating in life, so I certainly don’t want girls doing that to other girls…. I lived my entire life in the public eye [and] these women can create their own story, where I didn’t have that option.
I anticipate that you influence some of their stories ahead and that some of these people might not make it much longer. What can we expect in terms of cast shakeups and potential firings?
If I told you then there’d be no show. But I have a very clever way of doing it. [Laughs].
Can you tease?
…we’re all still friends. But, you’ll see. I’ve never lied in my life, so I can’t tell you!
As attractive as he is, let’s be honest: Brent isn’t the friendliest guy, but he’s good at what he does. Is that difficult or necessary for you to separate the jerk versus the stellar employee?
Brent went through a lot when he was young…. [But] I see right through him. But I also see his delicacies, and I think he’s a very kind person, and if he just lets his guard down and is himself, then he changes. That’s the kind of Brent that I want people to see because I’ve seen that part of him where he’s really vulnerable. When the cameras are on, they all change. It’s not like doing a movie when you’re on set and playing a different person. They’re playing themselves. But this generation plays differently. We’re filming a bunch of millennials… ish. And they’re all good people. They’re just figuring it out.
Do you have any idea where you want to take the show for a potential season 2?
I have another [club] in Athens that opens over the summer [so] I might separate [the cast] and bring in different people!
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