The deal will likely end an episode — for now — that has affected millions of American lives, sapped economic growth and cut into Trump’s popularity. The agreement comes as the shutdown left hundreds of thousands of workers scrambling to cover meals and bills and caused disruptions in various government services.
The pain from the closure sharpened Friday. About 800,000 federal workers started to miss their second paychecks since funding lapsed on Dec. 22. A shortage of air traffic controllers — who have had to work without pay during the shutdown — delayed flights at several major airports.
Trump called the unpaid workers “fantastic people” and “incredible patriots.” He pledged to make sure they get back pay “very quickly or as soon as possible.” The employees could get their pay in four or five days, an administration official told CNBC.
Speaking after Trump, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said shutdowns over policy are “self-defeating,” adding, “We can never hold American workers hostage again.” He contended that the Trump administration treated workers as “hostages” and “belittled their financial strain.”
Of course, the deal only temporarily delays another shutdown — or a potential constitutional fight over the president’s power to declare a national emergency. Lawmakers may still fail to reach an immigration deal that satisfies Trump.
In his remarks, he claimed no border security plan will work “without a physical barrier” — which Democrats have opposed despite saying they support other border security funding. He dedicated most of his speech to highlighting the dangers of illegal immigration.
“This is an opportunity for all parties to work together for the benefit of our whole, beautiful, wonderful nation,” he said.
from Update News Zone